Monday, May 31, 2010

The Secret Journey

I remembered this song as I was writing about JOURNEY, one of my favorite and one of the most philosophical song ever written by Sting before going solo.

Secret Journey lyrics

Words and music by Sting

Upon a secret journey
I met a holy man
His blindness was his wisdom
I'm such a lonely man
And as the world was turning
It rolled itself in pain
This does not seem to touch you
He pointed to the rain
You will see light in the darkness
You will make some sense of this
And when you've made your secret journey
You will find the love you miss
And on the days that followed
I listened to his words
I strained to understand him
I chased his thoughts like birds
You will see light in the darkness
You will make some sense of this
And when you've made your secret journey
You will find the love you miss
You will see light in the darkness
You will make some sense of this
You will see joy in this sadness
You will find this love you miss
And when you've made your secret journey
You will be a holy man

Do you know any lyrics with philosophy? If you do, please share them!
I´d love to see and hear more!


Once a man traveling great distance, weary of the day´s travel stopped at a near by house and ask the home owner to spend one night to rest.

"Why, of course, you are most welcomed!" answered the home owner and invited the traveler inside.

"Thank you, kind sir, " said the traveler as he walked in.

The traveler put his small sack on the floor and the home owner said,
"I see you do not carry much."

"Indeed," replied the traveler, "I am on a journey, I can not pack so many things for that will slow me down and complicate my journey."

The traveler looked around the house, which was almost empty and also commented,
"I see that you also do not posses much."

"Aye, very true."

"Is there a reason for this?" asked the traveler and the home owner replied,
"I am also on a journey, just like you my son, my journey is the journey of LIFE!"

This is a great story, I believe, that sets a very good example of the importance of not consuming everything we see in the media and live a more stress-free life and to enjoy more "space" in own´s home, which creates a more positive flow of energy according to Feng Shui.

Are you constantly buying things you do not need or use often?
Are the things you buy REALLY necessary?
How are you with your journey of life?
What do you think about this lovely story? I would love to hear your comments!

Friday, May 28, 2010


Socrates was awarded for his courage and bravery during his days as a soldier in the Greek army when, as his entire army was retreating, he was the only man who retreated backwards and fought back at his enemies at the same time?


My Top 5 Favorite Quotes by Socrates

1. As to marriage or celibacy, let a man take which course he will, he will be sure to repent.

2. By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.

Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.

4. I decided that it was not wisdom that enabled poets to write their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration, such as you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublime messages without knowing in the least what they mean.

I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.

These are my FAVORITES of all favorites from this great man. Socrates just said too many great things which would be difficult to put all up in this blog.

What are YOUR favorites quotes from Socrates?

Yelling and Whispering

One day a Master asked his students,
"Why do people yell when they are angry?"

His disciples thought for a moment and one answered,
"It is because we lose our calmness and patience, that is why we yell."

"But why YELL when the other person is at your side? He or she can clearly hear you, is it not possible to speak in soft tones?" So why do people yell when they are angry?"

His students all gave more answers but none satisfied to Master.

Finally, the Master replied,
"When two people are mad as each other, their heart distances a lot from each other. To cover that distance, they yell so that they can be heard. The more angry they get, the stronger they will need to yell for the other to hear through the great distance."

Then the Master asked,
"What happens when two people are in love? They do not yell but they talk softly to each other. Why? Because their hearts are close to each other. The distance between the two is very small."

The Master continued,
"When they fall in a deeper depth of love, then what happens? They do not talk, they whisper and become closer in their love for each other. In the end, they need not even whisper. They only see and look at each other and that is all. That is what happens to us when we are in love."

The Master finished with,
"When you argue, do not let your heart distance from one another. Do not say words that will make that happen. If you do, then one day that distance will be so long that you will not find the road to return..."

I ask all my readers,
How close is your heart to your loved ones?
How close are you to the ones who form your life?


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hello Everyone!

Hi and welcome to my Philosophy blog!

The wise teachings of the greatest avatars of life has always been a passion of mine and I would like to spread the words of these masters from Socrates to Buddha all the way to Lao Tsu.

Please feel free to share any quotes, stories and anecdotes that you might all know about these geniuses. Your participation to enlighten all of our knowledge is most sincerely appreciated.

Thank you and enjoy!
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The Wise Teaching of Buddha

There once was a man, desperate to reach enlightenment, who has visited countless masters, sages, and philosophers with the same question, "How do I reach Nirvana?"

Although these masters of life gave this man an answer, all wise, none of these answers satisfied the man. One day, the man decided to make the most dangerous journey to meet the greatest master known at the time, Buddha.

The journey took months and once the man finally reached his destination, all torn and exhausted by the long travel, he kneel down and begged Buddha,
"Oh, great master, I have come from a land far away to seek your wisdom and guidance, please tell me, what must I do to reach enlightenment?"

Buddha, simply smiled, a very kind, gentle, soothing smile and replied,
"Young man, THAT which you seek, is THAT which is doing the seeking."

The man, then suddenly understood everything,